Alternative Program

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Music Class

Our students enjoying music class with Ms. Lisa Knox!!

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Storm-water speech

Storm-water Guest Speakers for Science Came to Talk to Our Students and Got Them Outside to Experiment!


BSLC Accelerated program is a face-to-face program for students who:

  • Wish to catch up on their academic schedule

  • Plan to get ahead on their academic schedule

  • Wish to enhance academics in conjunction with their current high school

  • (Based on student need, classes can be scheduled before, during or after school hours)

Who is eligible to enroll in the program?

Students are eligible to enroll in the BSLC Accelerated Program if all of the following criteria have been met:

  1. Parent and student have met with high school counselor/principal to discuss academics and obtained approval from the school (signature on referral form)

  2. Parent and student have met at BSLC and obtained approval from the Director (signature on referral form)

  3. Referral Form Completed

  4. Student application is completed


A student may also be referred to the Alternative Program by behavioral reasons given by the school in which a student is attending prior. A student may have to come to the Alternative Program for a certain number of days before attending their middle or high school of origin. Attendance to Barr St determined this way is determined through a hearing and a letter being sent to the principal about said student. A student and parent will then come to BSLC and fill out student application form.