Adult Education


“Lancaster County Adult Education strives to impact our community through personal and professional development. With certified teaching instruction and the desire to help others succeed, our staff can work with you to create your own personalized success story”

Adult Education

Adult Education

Adult education services provide academic skills instruction, GED preparation, High School Diploma and reading instruction for eligible adults. Adult education assists adults in improving educational attainment levels and successfully entering employment and continuing education. The instruction may also include life skills, employability skills and computer literacy as well as Career and Technology Training.

Students looking at papers

Integrated Education and Training

Lancaster County Adult Education programs provide instruction aligned with the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS) to assist unemployed (and under-employed) individuals, as well as individuals seeking to transition to postsecondary education and ultimately employment with family sustainable wages to improve academic and workplace skills in pursuit of a GED®.

Workforce Education

Skills Upgrade

Lancaster County Adult Education programs provide instruction aligned with the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS) to assist unemployed (and under-employed) individuals, as well as individuals seeking to transition to postsecondary education and ultimately employment with family sustainable wages to improve academic and workplace skills in pursuit of a GED®.

Career & Technical Education

Career & Technical Education

Career education consists of job specific training in the areas of Welding and CNA These services are offered during evening hours at the Lancaster County Career Center.

Transitions to Post Secondary Education

Transitions to Post Secondary Education

LCAE is committed to moving more GED® graduates on to postsecondary education. The GED test has opened doors to better jobs and college programs for more than 20 million graduates since 1942. The GED test is accepted by virtually all U.S. colleges and employers.